Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ending Up on Top

I have been thinking about something that I learned while watching Gage wrestle last season. At the end of the year his coach was talking to me about Gage and said, "He isn't the fastest, nor the strongest but one thing that I can be sure of, he will always end up on top. I never worry when he walks out there on the mat." I was thinking one day, can you hear Heavenly Father saying, "I haven't giving you all the talents, nor all the strength or knowledge but one thing I call tell you is that I have given you sufficient for your needs and one thing that I can assure you is that you will end up on top. You will not fail but succeed." In one of Grandma Connie's notebooks was a quote that she had written down and it said, "I have not sent you here to fail but to succeed gloriously." I just love that quote...."to succeed gloriously." I've been worrying a little lately that my life is not turning out as I had dreamed and planned. There seems to be more bumps and storms then I have energy for and yet I have faith that somehow the Lord has given me sufficient for my needs and with the Saviors atoning sacrifice to make up where I lack, I too can end up on top. Maybe someday I will hear the words, "I never worried about sending you to earth, I always knew you would make it back."


  1. Beautiful thoughts, Lor! I'm so glad you started a blog. I can tell that you will join the ranks of the other Boyd-types in inspiring me and making my day that much better. May we all end up on top! Together!!

  2. Thank you! What a beautiful thought! Love you, Lori!
