Wednesday, September 15, 2010


At the beginning of the school year, I thought of a fun idea to make music more enjoyable for my students. I asked them to bring in their favorite songs for me to make a school play list from. Students have been excited about the activity and have brought in some great stuff. I use the songs for compare and contrast, listening activities, movement activities etc. It has done just what I hoped and caused them to become more engaged in class. I had collected almost 500 songs. The IT gal was working on my computer on Monday and when I got back on it, all the songs were gone. She worked all day today trying to retrieve them but it hasn't worked so far. It has been really discouraging. All that work and no songs to show for it. To add insult to injury, the home computer's mother board is fried. My brother Don is trying to transfer all of my information from the hard drive. I am a little anxious there too because it has the last 10 years of family history that I have done. I have been taking deep breaths and repeating over and over, "I feel peace."


  1. I hear ya, sister! Computers are horrible, in my opinion. But you know what they say-there's no stopping progress. Oy. You know what helps me in situations like this? Chocolate. It's good for computer problems. Who knew? :)

  2. Hey chicky I love reading your blog and YES computers are so frustrating and Good at the same time. Like I have been trying to post for days now and for some reason today it works!! so it's your lucky day and you get to hear from me! love ya I agree with Jessie chocolate solves a lot of problems. And Mint Ice cream
